Energy Informatics.Academy Conference 2022 (EI.A 2022)
24-25 August 2022, Physically in Vejle, Denmark & Globally online participation

The Energy Informatics.Academy Conference (EI.A 2022) has collected great contributions from researchers and practitioners in various scientific, technological, engineering and social fields to disseminate original research on the application of digital technology and information management theory and practice to facilitate the global transition towards sustainable and resilient energy systems.
Thirty-two (32) high quality papers
With the whole technical program committee’s effort, in total thirty-two (32) high-quality papers (including full papers and poster papers) were accepted and presented at the conference. The accepted papers cover four (4) important aspects of the energy informatics domain:
All presentation are recorded and available here and via our YouTube channel

The Accepted and presented papers have been published in the Springer Open Journal- Energy Informatics
The journal is currently indexed in the following databases:
Ei Compendex
ESCI/Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China
OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
Google Scholar

Keynote speekers and presentations
Digital Twin modelling of Energy Systems
Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
Professor, founder and head of SDU Center for Energy Informatics
Professor, Dr. Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen is the founder and head of the Center for Energy Informatics at the University of Southern Denmark. Center for Energy Informatics is an interdisciplinary research center focusing on digital solutions for facilitating the transition toward a sustainable energy system. The center’s research is conducted in close collaboration with industrial partners, public bodies, and government agencies. Dr. Jørgensen research focuses on digital solutions for integration of the demand-side with the supply-side in the energy sector, from the technology and business perspectives. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southern Denmark, a M.Sc. and a B.Sc. in Computer System Engineering from Odense University, Denmark.
The importance of digitization and architectural thinking to drive long term sustainability
Brian Skov Lykke Rasmussen
Managing Director, IBM
Brian Skov Lykke Rasmussen is passionate about applying technology to transform businesses and society. Brian has led several transformation projects during his 25 years IT career - ranging from IT infrastructure to organizations, processes, and compliance. Throughout his career, he has been engaged in designing and implementing critical IT infrastructure and applications on behalf of the largest and most influential companies in Denmark and the Nordics. Latest, in the capacity of CTO for IBM in the Nordics, he played a key role in aligning IBM’s technical community in the Nordics to IBM’s new strategy. Today, Brian is Managing Director for IBM’s business with Danske Bank, where IBM’s technology and people play a significant role. Outside IBM, besides mentoring and coaching many technical talents inside and outside IBM, Brian is a member of the Digital Wisemen Council in Denmark where he is focused on Sustainable Digitization.
FlexOffers: Towards an Open Standard for Energy Flexibility
Torben Bach Pedersen
Professor, Aalborg University; Co-founder of FlexShape
Torben Bach Pedersen is a professor of computer science at Aalborg University, Denmark and co-founder of FlexShape, focusing on Big Data Analytics with applications in Digital Energy. He has published more than 320 peer-reviewed papers which received more than 7700 citations on Google Scholar, yielding an h-index of 49. He serves on the PCs of the top conferences in (big) data management (SIGMOD, PVLDB, ICDE, CIKM, and EDBT) and digital energy (ACM e-Energy). He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, an IEEE Distinguished Contributor, and a Member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences. He received the Best Paper Award at ACM e-Energy and an Honorary Doctorate from TU Dresden for his work on managing energy flexibility using FlexOffers, which are used in more than 20 EU and national research projects with thousands of prosumers, and a number of commercial products. He is a co-founder of, the European forum for energy flexibility.
Data-driven methods for Smart Energy Systems
Henrik Madsen
Professor and section head in Stochastic Dynamical Systems, Technical University of Denmark
He got a PhD in Statistics at the Technical University of Denmark in 1986. He was appointed Ass. Prof. in Statistics in 1986, Assoc. Prof. in 1989, and Professor in Mathematical Statistics with a special focus on Stochastic Dynamical Systems in 1999. In 2017 he was appointed Professor II at NTNU in Trondheim. His main research interest is related to analysis and modelling of stochastic dynamics systems. This includes signal processing, time series analysis, identification, estimation, grey-box modelling, prediction, optimization and control. The applications are mostly related to Energy Systems, Informatics, Environmental Systems, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Process Modelling and Finance. He has got several awards. Lately, in June 2016, he has been appointed Knight of the Order of Dannebrog by Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark, and he was appointed Doctor HC at Lund University in June 2017. He has authored or co-authored approximately 650 papers and 12 books. The most recent books are Time Series Analysis (2008); General and Generalized Linear Models (2011); Integrating Renewables in Electricity Markets (2013), and Statistics for Finance (2015).
Data-driven innovation for the green transition
Søren Skov Bording
CEO Center Denmark and Business Development Engineer
Søren Skov Bording is passionate about transforming new science and technologies into new businesses and has many years of experience building new digital business models within the energy sector for the benefit of the green transition. Søren Skov Bording has established the car sharing company TADAA! that solely use electric vehicles and as director of Load and Control organization in Vestas, he has experience leading a large global organization within digital technologies in the very core of developing new turbine variants. He is now using his experience from the production side of the energy system to improve data driven solutions on the consumption side.